
Drowned TV reporter: new details about the death-drama

New details about the death-drama Jamie Zimmerman

New sad details come to light on the tragic death of ABC reporter Jamie Zimmerman. After it became known that she drowned on holiday in Hawaii, the cause is now determined.

It is a tragedy: A young and talented journalist drowns at sea. She was only 31 years old. Jamie Zimmerman has apparently lost its footing as she tried to cross the river Lumahai on Kauai and was swept into the sea: "The area in which Jamie has probably lost its footing, is directly at the mouth of a river - Lumahai Beach", Kauai County spokeswoman Sarah Blane said in an E-Mail to The Associated Press. However it may have not been the weather: there was not a flood or high waves on the day, added Blane.

The incident should have occurred against 16: 00. Witnesses called the police because they have watched as a woman in the sea has been flushed. The lifeguard drove out to the sea, to save her, but he found only her lifeless body. Any resuscitation measures failed to help - Jamie was in the hospital declared dead.

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