
'47 Ronin': Keanu Reeves in the first trailer

Keanu Reeves finally absorbed the east. In May of this year at the Cannes Film Festival, he presented his directorial debut - hit "Tai Chi Master", a good portion of the screen time is devoted to the spectacular battle scenes, and today the network has the first trailer for fresh acting jobs Reeves - Tape "47 Ronin" (47 Ronin), which tells about the brave war, which came on the warpath in the name of revenge.

The plot of this dramatic and full of colorful special effects blockbuster has laid down a Japanese folk legend "Revenge Ako", telling about 47 samurai who decided to avenge the the death of his master. To confront an army of opponents, the conspirators "gone off the radar," becoming monks, merchants and other civilians, all the while nurturing a plan of revenge.

"47 Ronin" - a feature-length debut of director Charles Rinsha. Together with Keanu Reeves in the film was played by Rinko Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Sanada, Togo Igava, as well as the famous "zombie fight," Rick's wife. Russian screens on tape will be in January next year.

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