Ireland Baldwin

Useful holiday: Ireland Baldwin with her boyfriend in Hawaii

Ireland Baldwin yesterday was spotted in Hawaii with her boyfriend - surfer Slater tinder. The pair has combined business with pleasure - a date with a paddle-boarding lessons.

Seems surfing with a paddle is truly stellar fashion fad. Even Princess Charlene start watching them. Ireland in this regard is very lucky - she does not need to spend money on coaches. All lessons are taught her beloved free and fun.

Way, recently voiced girl on his Twitter about what men it would not have interested in:

I'd rather put my hand in a blender than would meet with a model or an actor.

While the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger mastered the basics of a new sport, you can not miss an opportunity to admire her figure. Beginner model, more recently, she was trying to reflect the charges that are not too slender and graceful for their profession. Now Ireland says quite differently:

I see that I am clumsy and awkward. But I'm going to put up with it and just enjoy life.

It is the latter she was doing on Hawaiian vacation pictures with which we invite you to assess

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